The Pursuit of Safety

The Magnet Safety Organization a 501c(3) nonprofit, which exists to promote the safe usage of high powered magnets among consumers and educators, through research, public outreach, and content creation. 

We believe that magnet safety is an important goal, while also recognizing that benefits of magnets. 

Current Efforts

From the alarming recent rise in high power magnet injuries, action is needed more than ever. The path to the sustainable magnet safety is to effectively educate consumers, not an unpopular nonconsensual ban on recreational magnets for adults. Thus our current efforts are aimed at:

2022 CPSC Magnet Ban Summary

The US Government is attempting to ban recreational magnets, even for adults.

Specifically, the 2022 Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) "Safety Standard" for Magnets (CPSC-2021-0037) will ban nearly all small high-power magnets except for "research and educational products, or those intended for commercial or industrial purposes, if they are not also intended for amusement or jewelry."[Link] As it's currently written, even if the magnets are for education or industrial use, they are prohibited if CPSC determines amusement is involved

This isn't the first time the CPSC has attempted to ban magnets. In 2015 the CPSC enacted a similar ban on high-power recreational magnets. The ban was overturned in 2016, as 10th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals determined the ban was inadequately supported, and did not sufficiently consider the alternatives. 

Our Position -

The Magnet Safety Organization rulemaking comment for Docket No. CPSC-2021-0037 available here: