2022 NEISS Magnet Ingestion Data
Magnet Ingestions Near All Time High
The spreadsheet linked is a collection of data from the National Electronic Injury Surveillance System (NEISS), which is a statistically valid injury surveillance database that based on a nationally representative probability sample of hospitals in the U.S.
The "All Ingest and Aspirate" tab is the collection of all 57,000+ Aspiration and Ingestion incidents available to the public in the NEISS database, and of those the 2,600+ incidents that have a positive match for "MAGN" in the narrative are shown in the "Magnets Only" tab. The full dataset , including all ingestions and aspirations contained within the NEISS database is available available here, (mirror):
The NEISS is a comprehensive source of data, cataloging injury incidents across the United States. Administered by the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC), NEISS presents a statistically accurate reflection of injuries occurring in a variety of contexts. Soon to be released is a report delves into NEISS ingestion and aspiration data from 2006-2022, with a particular focus on magnet ingestion incidents, including a specific subset related to Spherical Rare Earth Magnets (SREMs). Until then, the data can be viewed directly.
The set of incidents that match "SREM Potential" follows the same conditions that the CPSC used in the 2014 rulemaking, which is any magnet ingestion that mentions any of the following: POWER, RARE, MARBL, BALL, BB, BEARING, BEAD, SPHER, ROUND. And then counted out if the narrative confirms they could not have been magnet spheres, or counted in if a SREM manufacture is listed by name. While this process of determining potential SREMs (Spherical Rare Earth Magnets), does have a stronger correlation with SREM ingestions than the set of all magnet ingestions, the rough process that counts any magnet ingestion that is round or powerful leads to the analysis incorrectly showing higher SREM ingestion between 2006-2008, during a period when SREMs were not on the market.
Analysis, Hypothesis and Recommendations will be published in the near future.
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