What you can do
The Magnet Safety Organization exists to promote the safe usage of high powered magnets among consumers and educators, through research, public outreach, and content creation. Whether you have a few minutes to spare, or a donation to offer, any assistance is appreciated.
Got a few minutes?
Most have no idea that there is an upcoming prohibition on magnet spheres, which will end up in the US (and then other countries) sleepwalking right into a new magnet prohibition. So the first step is to spread awareness. If you have a couple minutes, try to inform other influencers on social media platforms like YouTube. Comment the following:
The US Feds are trying to BAN magnet balls, even for adults! If you like recreational magnets, now's your chance to say something. Make sure magnet fans know before it's too late, pass it on. #LegalizeMagnets
Aside from other magnet content influencers, attempt to notify other other thought leaders who would be understanding of the mission to accomplish recreational magnet safety through education instead of an adult prohibition. Jared Polis or your local governor/congressman? Niel Degrasse Tyson? Ron Paul? Whoever your creativity suggests to you.
Also, this old petition is still live and accepting signatures:
Although MagnetSafety.org is already a charitable 501c(3). We are in the process of converting from a PF to PC before accepting donations. We're currently still setting up the donation process.
Expenditure Breakdown
Outreach - Information distribution, awareness campaigns, Content Creation.
Research - Manual research, data collection, hosting, automated data collection engineering.
Operations - Web operating fees and accounting costs only. All members are volunteers.
Legal - Directly paid to lawyers for contesting the 2022 Magnet Ban and furthering ASTM-F3458-21 adoption.